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Guidelines for Integrating the Price Preview Widget

Where to Place the Price-Preview Widget

The price-preview widget should be placed on the product listing pages of the merchant's website. This is the page where users can browse through the merchant's products and view basic information about each one.

To ensure the best user experience, the price-preview widget should be prominently displayed near each product's price. This will allow users to quickly see the PlanPay payment-plan price, if applicable, and decide whether or not to click through to the product detail page.

Placement Guidelines

By following these placement guidelines, merchants can maximize the effectiveness of the price-preview widget and improve the overall user experience on their website. Below is an example of how the widget can be placed in a search-result.

An example of the correct placement of a PlanPay price preview widget in a search results page for a fictional hotel.

The image below shows an example of the PlanPay price preview widget content.

An example of the PlanPay price preview widget.

  • The price-preview widget should be located near the product's price.
  • The widget should not obscure any other important information on the page, such as the product name or image.
  • If the product is available in different variants, such as price, size or color, the widget should be displayed next to the variant options.
  • The widget should be visually distinct from other elements on the page, such as buttons or links, to make it easily recognizable.
  • If the merchant has a mobile website or app, the widget should be optimized for mobile devices to ensure the best user experience.