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API keys

Requesting API Keys and Accessing the Development Sandbox

To begin the PlanPay integration process, you need to request for merchant API keys by contacting PlanPay Enquiries at if you haven't done so yet. Once you have the keys, you can start testing your integration in a development sandbox without risking real credit cards or money. After the PlanPay team certifies your integration, you will be given a production API key to ensure better security for both you and your customers.


For detailed instructions on managing API keys, check out Managing API Keys for PlanPay APIs

Please note that each environment has its unique set of keys and prefixes to prevent any confusion. Once access has been granted to the target environment, you can find your keys by signing in and navigating to the URLs below.

Similarly, each environment will have a unique merchant ID, which will differ between sandbox and production environments. This merchant ID will be provided to you by the PlanPay team along with your API keys. Be sure to keep your API keys and merchant ID secure, as they are vital for the security of your transactions.

EnvironmentUse this API key forCodeLogin / Account
SandboxThe sandbox environmentsbx
ProductionThe production environmentprod

Once you have signed-in Use the account selector in the top right-hand corner of the portal to select the relevant merchant account.

PlanPay account selector drop-down in the top right-hand corner of the user portal.

Once you have navigated to the relevant merchant account, the API keys can be viewed and managed by navigating to the "API Keys" section of the menu.

PlanPay API keys view under the merchant account section.